Privacy Policy

Telecom Square Taiwan Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") collects personal information such as customer addresses and names in the mobile communication device rental business, sales business and media content business (including the business entrustment between the customer and the Company or between the Company and the Company). Information related to corporate transactions (hereinafter referred to as "personal data") is processed in the following manner in accordance with the "Personal Data Protection Policy of Telecom Square Taiwan Co., Ltd." and the "Personal Data Protection Policy of Telecom Square Taiwan Co., Ltd." Furthermore, our company has obtained the consent of their guardians when collecting personal information from minors.

※Minors: Taiwanese who are under 20 years old, or minors as stipulated by the laws of each country.

1. Our company’s position on personal data protection

1. Comply with laws and regulations related to the protection of personal data, laws and regulations related to the economic and industrial fields, and other relevant laws, and properly handle personal data based on generally recognized fair and appropriate practices for handling personal data. And we are committed to improving processing methods in a timely manner.

2. When the personal data collected by the company may be applicable (General Data Protection Regulation = EU General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter referred to as "GDPR"), the company will properly handle the relevant personal data in accordance with the GDPR.

3. When collecting customers' personal information, the specific purpose will be clearly defined, the customer will be notified or an announcement will be made, and the personal information will be processed and used according to the specific purpose.

4. When processing or using personal data, in principle, it will be used within the necessary scope according to the specific purpose, and the retention period will be clearly stated. Except for exceptions recognized by law, personal data will be deleted immediately after the expiration of the retention period or the disappearance of the specific purpose.

5. In order to prevent the leakage, loss, tampering, etc. of personal information, the Company will take necessary security measures and conduct appropriate management.

6. The Company will respond promptly and sincerely to complaints and suggestions related to the processing of personal data. If notification, publication, modification, addition, deletion, use of access, processing, or cessation of publication of personal information is received from the customer himself, it will be handled in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

7. Personal information collected by the Company will be transferred internationally to Japan and stored in Japanese servers used by the Company.

8. If you have any doubts about the way our company handles personal data in accordance with GDPR, customers can raise objections to the supervisory authorities of the EEA (European Economic Area) member countries.

9. Even if the customer has agreed to the privacy policy stipulated by the company, the customer can still withdraw the consent at any time. However, the withdrawal of such consent will not affect the legality of the use, processing and international transfer of personal data completed before the withdrawal.

10. The company will make timely, appropriate and continuous improvements to the appropriate security measures, relevant laws and regulations and changes in other regulations adopted to protect customers' personal information.

11. When it is necessary to change this personal data protection policy and the change is not related to the specific purpose, the company may make changes without prior notice. It will be clearly announced on the official website and the last revision date of this personal data protection policy will be updated at the same time.

2. Personal data processing methods that are consistent with the company’s business content and scale

When our company collects customer personal information, we will inform you of the following matters:

1. Specific purposes for collecting personal information

1). Used for the mobile communication device rental service and its additional services provided by our company.

2). Used for data content handled by our company.

3). Used to sell products handled by our company.

4). Used for publicity, advertising, marketing and other marketing of the company's products and services based on customer interests and hobbies.

5). Used to cooperate with external services.

6). Used to conduct questionnaire surveys and analyze survey results.

7). Preparation of statistics required for business analysis and utilization of analysis results.

8). Used for contract management with partner manufacturers.

9). Used for the employment (including recruitment) and personnel management of the company’s employees, etc.

10). Product and service descriptions for specific companies that cooperate with our company (including companies without capital relationships).

11). Provide to third parties for the purposes specified in paragraph 5 below.

12). Used to prevent illegal contracts, illegal use, non-payment, and investigation and response to such behavior.

13). Other necessary scopes required to perform the business related to the above items

2. Categories of personal data

Name, gender, date of birth, occupation, contact information, email, purchased and leased products and other related information.

3. Period of use of personal data

During the duration of the specific purpose specified in item 1.

4. Areas of use of personal data

Domestic and overseas locations of "Personal Data Usage Targets".

5. Target users of personal data

The company and its parent company Telecom Square Taiwan Co., Ltd. and the parent company's business entrusting company.

6. How to use personal data

In compliance with relevant laws and regulations of the Personal Data Protection Act, automated or other non-automated machines or vehicles are used for storage, processing, etc.

7. According to Article 3 of the Personal Data Protection Law (hereinafter referred to as the "Personal Data Law"), customers may exercise the following rights with respect to the personal data held by the company:

1). Except for the circumstances stipulated in Article 10 of the Personal Information Act, you may inquire, request to read, or request a copy from the Company, and the Company may charge necessary costs and fees in accordance with Article 14 of the Personal Information Act.

2). You may request the company for supplement or correction, but the reasons and facts should be properly explained in accordance with Article 19 of the Enforcement Rules of the Personal Information Law.

3). If the Company collects, processes or uses personal information in violation of the provisions of the Personal Information Act, it may request the Company to stop collecting, processing or using personal information in accordance with Article 11, Paragraph 4 of the Personal Information Act.

4). When there is a dispute over the accuracy of personal data, the customer may request the company to stop processing or using it in accordance with Article 11, Paragraph 2 of the Personal Information Act. However, this does not apply to the provisions of this proviso, where it is necessary for the company to perform its business, or where the customer has agreed in writing and noted the dispute.

5). According to Article 11, Paragraph 3 of the Personal Information Act, when the specific purpose of collecting personal data disappears or the period expires, you may request the company to delete, stop processing or using personal data. However, this does not apply if it is necessary for the Company to perform its business or with the written consent of the customer in accordance with the provisions of this proviso.

6). Customers are free to choose whether to provide relevant personal information, but if they refuse to provide it, the company will not be able to provide relevant services.

8. Correction, addition or deletion of personal information, etc.

Regarding the personal information held by the Company, if a customer requests correction, addition, or deletion, the Company shall confirm that the person making the request is the customer himself, and correct, add, or delete any content that is inconsistent with the facts within a reasonable period and scope.

3. About the use of cookies by our company

The Company may collect customer personal information through cookies or other tracking technologies. In addition, the company's official website, online services, conversational software, emails and advertisements also use cookies or other tracking technologies.

Cookie is a mechanism that saves information specified by the website operator (identification information of the visiting browser, etc.) on the device that browses the website. The company will confirm the access status of the company's website or server, and in order to facilitate customers to visit again, the company will also use cookies to adjust the website structure. If customers choose to continue browsing this website, they are deemed to have agreed to this "Personal Data Protection Policy". Please understand that if the customer refuses the use of cookies and changes the browser settings, it may result in the inability to use the website usage environment and some other services provided by the company. For questions related to changing browser settings, please consult the browser manufacturer.

4. About the company’s file security

All websites operated by our company that require input of customer personal information use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption technology. This technology enables the input information to be encrypted on the customer's personal computer, and then the registration is completed through the Internet.

Note: SSL refers to a technology that prevents third parties from stealing or tampering with data through data encryption and identity authentication between the browser and the WWW server.

5. About the Company entrusting third parties to process personal data

In the course of corporate operations, in order to sell goods and provide services, the Company will sometimes provide personal information to third parties when it adopts appropriate supervision of entrusted third parties in compliance with Article 8 of the Enforcement Rules of the Personal Information Act.

6. About telephone consultation

In order to provide customer support services such as improving customer response and confirming the content of the call, the Company may record the content of the call.

7. Regarding the processing of anonymized data

1. Anonymization of personal data

When the Company anonymizes personal data (making personal data no longer identifiable and irrecoverable through legal processing), the company will comply with the following matters:

・Comply with legal provisions and implement appropriate handling.

・ Carry out relevant security processing in compliance with legal regulations to prevent the leakage of deleted data and data processing methods.

・Disclosure of items containing anonymized information.

・Do not identify specific individuals through personal information before anonymization.

2. Provide anonymized information

If the company needs to provide anonymized personal information to a third party, it will disclose the relevant items containing the anonymized personal information and the method of providing it, and make it clear to the third party that the information is anonymized personal information.

8. Consultation on privacy statement

If you have any questions about the privacy statement of this website, please feel free to write to us through [Contact Us] on our company website.


Revised and implemented on August 29, 2023