

⚠️ 防詐騙宣導 ⚠️

WiHo!特樂通提醒您,我們絕不會主動要求顧客提供個人資訊。近期有不法集團假冒WiHo!特樂通人員,謊稱訂單錯誤或付款方式有問題,並以「重複扣款」為藉口,要求您操作ATM進行所謂的退費程序。若遇可疑來電,請立即掛斷並撥打客服專線或 165 反詐騙專線查詢!

⚠️ 防詐騙宣導 ⚠️

WiHo!特樂通提醒您,我們絕不會主動要求顧客提供個人資訊。近期有不法集團假冒WiHo!特樂通人員,謊稱訂單錯誤或付款方式有問題,並以「重複扣款」為藉口,要求您操作ATM進行所謂的退費程序。若遇可疑來電,請立即掛斷並撥打客服專線或 165 反詐騙專線查詢!

【科技生活 – teXch】WiFiBOX日本北海道實測上網全攻略

【科技生活 – teXch】WiFiBOX日本北海道實測上網全攻略


【科技生活 – teXch】WiFiBOX日本北海道實測上網全攻略



Use "Fubon J Card" to enjoy discounts

【Activities】 Event period: 2024/01/01~2024/12/31 All models of WiFiBOX sharing devices-enjoy 20% off Reservation link:   WiFiBOX location list

Use "Fubon J Card" to enjoy discounts

【Activities】 Event period: 2024/01/01~2024/12/31 All models of WiFiBOX sharing devices-enjoy 20% off Reservation link:   WiFiBOX location list


[Rave reviews] Blogger-Kai Zikai: Introducing t...

Thanks to Kaizikai for providing such a detailed and organized introduction to WiFiBOX ! WiFiBOX’s 7 thoughtfully designed features make it super convenient for you to surf the Internet abroad!...

[Rave reviews] Blogger-Kai Zikai: Introducing t...

Thanks to Kaizikai for providing such a detailed and organized introduction to WiFiBOX ! WiFiBOX’s 7 thoughtfully designed features make it super convenient for you to surf the Internet abroad!...


[Actual test sharing] Exotic style~Blogger Xiao...

This time I really want to thank Xiao V for helping us measure the internet speed at popular tourist spots in the Philippines. The WiFiBOX, which is easy to carry...

[Actual test sharing] Exotic style~Blogger Xiao...

This time I really want to thank Xiao V for helping us measure the internet speed at popular tourist spots in the Philippines. The WiFiBOX, which is easy to carry...

【實測分享】絕不藏私 部落客日本網速實測

[Actual Test Sharing] Never Hide Private Blogge...

In this generation, apart from the travel experience, whether you can check in or send a limited time update when you go abroad, and leave a mark of your trip...

[Actual Test Sharing] Never Hide Private Blogge...

In this generation, apart from the travel experience, whether you can check in or send a limited time update when you go abroad, and leave a mark of your trip...